Group on Interactive
Coding of Images
Research software

The GICI group has published several free software tools for the research on image and video coding and transmission.

Please cite the publications of the related tools if they are useful to your work.

Refer to each package for specific licensing conditions, although GPL is common among them.

Index (most recent first)
2024 TGRS 1D+2D compression models 
arrowTensorflow trained models Tensorflow models ZIP (703MB)
2023 MDPI clustering compression models 
arrowTensorflow trained models Tensorflow models ZIP (3.1GB)
Fast Run-Length Compression of Point Cloud Geometry (FRL) 
arrowExecutable C/Bash TAR GZIP (56K)
Variable-to-Fixed (V2F) codec 
arrowSource Code C/Python code
arrowUser manual Documentation for the V2F codec. PDF (106KB)
Astronomical lossless compression experiment 
arrowSource Code Python code ZIP (4.3KB)
Experiment NoteBook (enb) python library 
arrowGithub project page Python library to easily design, run and analyze (compression) experiments in a fast and reproducible manner.
arrowUser manual Documentation for the enb library, including usage examples.
T-k2raster for Hyperspectral Scenes software 
arrowSource Code C++ code ZIP (2.21MB)
123.0-B-2 Supplementary materials (The CCSDS 123.0-B-2 Low-Complexity Lossless and Near-Lossless Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Compression Standard: A comprehensive review)
arrowSupplementary materials Experiment scripts, raw results and plots for the following paper: M. Hernández-Cabronero, A. Kiely, I. Blanes, J. Ligo, E. Magli and J. Serra-Sagristà, 'The CCSDS 123.0-B-2 Low-Complexity Lossless and Near-Lossless Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Compression Standard: A comprehensive review,' IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/MGRS.2020.3048443. ZIP (11MB)
Single-Pass Rate Control with Lossless Region of Interest Coding software (Region of Interest Coding based on the CCSDS-123 predictor)
arrowSource Code Java code ZIP (11MB)
arrowUser Manual Brief description of exprimental reproduction. PDF (56KB)
arrowPathology data set and masks Available through IEEE DataPort repository. ZIP (1.43GB)
k2-raster for Hyperspectral Scenes software 
arrowSource Code C++ code TAR GZIP (32.2MB)
Reproducible code capsule for 'High-throughput variable-to-fixed entropy codec using selective, stochastic code forests'
arrowCode capsule Reproducible code capsule at CodeOcean for Manuel Martínez Torres, Miguel Hernández-Cabronero, Ian Blanes and Joan Serra-Sagristà, 'High-throughput variable-to-fixed entropy codec using selective, stochastic code forests,' IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 81283-81297, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2991314. Go
Updated supplementary materials for 'Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Mosaic Images with Visualization via JPEG 20000' 
arrowSupplementary materials Updated and original supplementary materials for 'Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Mosaic Images with Visualization via JPEG 2000', IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 257-270, 2018. ZIP (377KB)
Regression Wavelet Analysis (RWA)
arrowSource Code Matlab code TAR GZIP (3KB)
Implementation of the Bjontegaard metric 
arrowSource Code Python 3 Source code and a sample data file to calculate Bjontegaard metric TAR GZIP (1.9KB)
arrowUser Manual Brief description of the source code functions and usage examples. PDF (58.5KB)
Frame Classification strategy for Diagnostically lossless compression of coronary angiograms 
arrowSource Code Matlab codes and demo file to achieve frame classification of coronary angiograms TAR GZIP (32.6MB)
arrowUser Manual Brief description of the source code functions and usage examples. PDF (836.5KB)
arrowFrame Visual Evalutation An example irrelevant frame, and its decompressed frames after complete lossy compression and 1/10 lossy compression TAR GZIP (463.2KB)
Background Suppression strategy for Diagnostically lossless compression of X-ray angiography images 
arrowSource Code Matlab codes and demo file to achieve background suppression of X-ray angiography images TAR GZIP (4.5MB)
arrowUser Manual Brief description of the source code functions and usage examples. PDF (2.0MB)
Sided PPA (Principal Polynomial Analysis)
arrowSource Code Matlab code TAR GZIP (3KB)
Microarray Distortion Metric (MDM, 'A distortion metric for DNA microarray images')
arrowSource Code Python implementation of the Microarray Distortion Metric of Miguel Hernández-Cabronero, Victor Sanchez, Michael W. Marcellin and Joan Serra-Sagristà, “A distortion metric for DNA microarray images,” In IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), Mar 2013. DOI: 10.1109/DCC.2013.26. CORE A*. ZIP (1.3MB)
Divide-and-conquer strategies for hyperspectral image processing 
arrowSource Code Matlab examples of most of the strategies (see the Spectral Transform software for all of them) ZIP (9KB)
Gstat software (statistical image information)
arrowGSTAT SOFTWARE 2.0 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (108KB)
arrowInstallation Manual Documentation. PDF (56KB)
ieMetrics software (3D alternative quality measures)
arrowIEMETRICS SOFTWARE 1.0 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (207KB)
arrowInstallation Manual Documentation. PDF (103KB)
Gcomp software (2D/2D quality measures)
arrowGCOMP SOFTWARE 2.0 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (165KB)
arrowInstallation Manual Documentation. PDF (62KB)
Spectral Transform software (previously known as RKLT software)
arrowSPECTRAL TRANSFORM SOFTWARE 1.1 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (214KB)
arrowInstallation Manual Documentation. PDF (73KB)
File Format Converter software (gemetrical, wavelet, spatial and spectral image transforms)
arrowFFC SOFTWARE 2.0 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (142KB)
arrowInstallation Manual Documentation. PDF (58KB)
The Pairwise Orthogonal Transform (POT) (efficient Karhunen-Loève-like transform)
arrowSource Code v1.1.1 Fast c++ implementation of the transform. TAR GZIP (44KB)
Emporda software (CCSDS 123.0-B-1 implementation)
arrowEMPORDA SOFTWARE 1.1 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (304KB)
arrowComplete Manual Documentation. PDF (127KB)
TER software (CCSDS Recommendation for Image Data Compression implementation)
arrowTER SOFTWARE 2.02 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (1.3MB)
arrowInstallation Manual Installation instructions. PDF (11KB)
arrowUser Manual Brief guide on how to use TER. Parameters explanation and usage examples. PDF (58KB)
arrowDevelopment Manual Overview on how TER is designed. Useful to incorporate new algorithms and compression stages. PDF (434KB)
arrowAPI Documentation Classes and packages of the TER software. HTML (online)
CADI software (JPEG2000 Interactive Protocol, JPIP)
arrowCADI SOFTWARE 3.1 All the source code, compiled jar files and manuals. TAR GZIP (6MB)
arrowInstallation Manual Installation instructions. PDF (11KB)
arrowUser Manual Brief guide on how to use CADI. Parameters explanation and usage examples. PDF (58KB)
arrowDevelopment Manual Overview on how CADI is designed. Useful to incorporate new algorithms and compression stages. PDF (434KB)
arrowAPI Documentation Classes and packages of the CADI software. HTML (online)
BOI software (JPEG2000 core coding system)
arrowOfficial BOI website Downloads, features and further info by BOI's author. HTML (online)